
Feliz Tardes

sábado, 7 de agosto de 2010

A. Categorias lexicales y uso del diccionario, tema 1 y 2

A. Categorias lexicales y uso del diccionario.


The Strategic Plan is based on WMO's vision to establish objectives and strategies and long-term high level needed for the WMO to develop and effectively coordinate their plans and programs for its 188 members to carry out collectively their principal activities, primarily through their National Meteorological and Hydrological Services.

These activities include monitoring, assessment and prediction of weather, air quality, climate, ocean conditions, the global water cycle and the dangers hidrometeorológicos.

Al same time, provide advisory services national and international concern, among other issues, management and use of information on weather, climate, water and environment, for planning and management in the socioeconomic sphere. Thus, the Strategic Plan provides guidelines and specific guidelines for implementation and coordination of activities throughout the Organization.
1. Identificacion de palabras que no se conocen su significado: Uso del diccionario.. agrega las abreviaciones ( al menos 5 palabras)
Issues,primarily adj principalmente, guidelines, dangers, adj, peligroso y  throigout.

2. Tiempo verbales (selecciona 1 ejemplo para cada tiempo verbal presente en el texto)
 Is ,   Develop and effectively coordinate their plans and programs.
3. Idea principal del texto (en español)
The Strategic Plan is based on WMO's vision to establish objectives and strategies and long-term high level needed for the WMO to develop and effectively coordinate their plans and programs for its 188 members to carry out collectively their principal activities, primarily through their National Meteorological and Hydrological Services.

4. Categorias lexicales: (2 ejemplos por categoria)
•Palabras de contenido:The Strategic Plan is based on WMO's vision to establish objectives and strategies and long-term high level needed for the WMO.

•Palabras de Función:Thus, the Strategic Plan provides guidelines and specific guidelines for implementation and coordination of activities throughout the Organization

Verbos, Adverbio, Adjetivo, Articulo, Preposiciones, Conjuncion, Cognados verdadaros, Conganados Falsos, Sufijo, Prefijos

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